
Outdoor Furnace Solenoid Adjustments & Water Temperature

We have two items we would like to go over with you that we feel are very important.

Solenoid Adjustments

Solenoids are only designed to lift 3⁄4”. There are only two rivets on the shaft of the solenoids. When the solenoid and damper plate is in the OFF position, you should only see one and a half rivets, shown in the left image. The image on the right shows incorrect installation.

Solenoid Right Adjustment Solenoid Wrong Adjustment

Return Boiler Water Temperature

Your return boiler water temperature should be no less than 145°. For example: if you are running your boiler at 160° and your home has a 20° Delta T and your underground line loss is 2°, your return boiler water temperature is 138°. Any water temperature below 145° will create condensation and cause premature corrosion boiler failure over time.

If you have any questions regarding these topics, call our head office, we are ready to help you.